online procurement certification

I think, there are lots of question arises in every procurement engineer mind that how I can utilize my time to enhance my engineering skills. Which are the Online Procurement Certification that we can do? 

We do lots of google searches to find out various Online Procurement Certification that every Mechanical & Purchase Engineer can do. Google gives lots of information about courses but they are not affordable. We can’t afford that much money to pay for those courses. So I am going to suggest top free certification courses for purchase engineer & for a mechanical engineer can do to enhance your engineering skills.

Following are the Online Procurement Certification which are trending in 2020

1) E-Procurement Learning

This is the best platform for the government of the countries for support to their citizens & business. E-Government eliminates corruption & fraud. Due to this many gov. in the world adopted the E-Procurement system. This e-Learning course is consist of five modules,

1) E-Procurement Preparation

2) E-Procurement Basis

3) Advanced E-Procurement

4) E-Procurement Indicator

5) Incorporating E-Procurement into Public Financial Management Reforms

Click on below link to access course details.

2) Procurement & Logistics Certificate By Disasterready.Org  

 In this 5-hour assessment-based certificate program, comprised of online courses, interactive scenarios, and a test, you will learn to & how to implement effective procurement and logistics for relief and development operations. After passing a sixty-question test gets you a Certificate.

This certificate program includes-

1) Procurement

2) Scenario: Procurement Planning

3) Warehousing

4) Scenario: Using proper warehousing processes and procedures

5) Fleet Management

6) Asses Management

7) Procurement And Logistic Certificate.

3) Six Sigma-White Belt Certification By Aveta Business Institute:

It is good for those employees who are not familiar with Six Sigma and want to get more information about how it can impact an organization. This course is free of cost and allowing the public to obtain an official Six Sigma White Belt Certification.

4) Global Procurement and Sourcing Specialization :

One of the best education institutes Coursera gives free certification on Global Procurement and Sourcing Specialization which includes how to source new suppliers or vendors in an effective manner also taught how global procurement works. It also includes evaluation, negotiation, and implementation of appropriate contracts. Apart from theoretical knowledge, it giving real-time problems which will very helpful to Procurement Engineer to tackle real-life situations.

Every procurement engineer has to do this Online Procurement Certification because you don’t have to pay money for these courses. It’s free of cost.

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