What is IoT? IoT Examples.

History of IoT

At the beginning of industry 1.0, all the products & goods are manufactured by hand. With time machines are developed for production of the goods. At the end of the 19th century or the end of the Industrial revolution 2.0 & the start of Industry 3.0, the idea of implementing sensors was started. These machines are advanced by using the latest technology in electronics & computers (IoT). But at that time, chips are so big and heavy & the processor requires are not so faster & compact.

Now today’s world is the era of smart industries (Industry 4.0). Human involvement is reduced from the production and manufacturing sectors. They are getting involved in developing smart devices that run on the technology of Computer & Electronics for production & manufacturing. IoT is the future of the Industries.

What is IoT?

IoT is the system that makes one “Dumb” device “Smarter” by giving them the ability to transfer data over the internet(network) without a human to computer interaction & allow it to communicate with other IoT enabled things.

In simple words, it is a system of the physical devices that transfer and receive data without human involvement via a wireless network. In this, there are various types of sensors are used. When anyone crosses the limit of the sensor which are connected to the physical system, it gives you notification on your smartphone.


A smart chair is a good example of IoT. If we are working in the office & sitting on a chair for a very long time, then chair gives you a notification on your smartphone that you are sitting for a long time, please take a break & have a walk. It gives you a notification for each time if you are crossing the limit of each sensor. 

How IoT work?

There are four main components of the IoT which explain its working.


It is a sensing device that collects data from the surrounding environment. In the physical system, to sense, various parameters bundles of the sensors are used. If any range of the parameter exceeds beyond its limit of sensor it gives you a notification or does triggering action.


The sensing device is connected with the cloud with some communication medium such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Wide Area Network (WAN), Satellite Network, & many more. It is important to choose better connectivity medium as per the power consumption, range & bandwidth.  

Data Processing

Once all data get into the cloud, it has been analyzed to take the required action. The program is set in the processing unit. All the data is compared with the standard data set into the processing unit.

User Interface

In this user get notified to take required action with the notification or sound alert on your mobile app or software or smartphone. 

Applications of IoT devices

IoT is the most diversified field. It has been used in so many industries mentioned below. Each having different use as per the application.

Smart Homes-

A smart home is the best application of the IoT. IoT devices are used in home automation such as lightning, camera system, refrigeration & many others. It will help in electricity saving when the system is on during no use. These devices automatically turn off the devices when they are in no use. Amazon Echo, google home is the best example of IoT.


The wearable is the most trending part of the IoT devices. There is so much innovation happened in the wearables. Every person from the globe is waiting for the new version of the apple watch. There are other brands also are in the market. Those people who are suffering from diabetes have Guardian glucose monitor device is there. It having tiny electrodes that are placed under the skin & gives you glucose level.

Smart farming

In the urban area, the food is coming from rural area. Smart farming will help farmers to be more productive. It will help them to increase the production of the essential foods. Due to many reasons like heavy rain, viruses, lack of technology they have to suffer from huge losses. Smart farming will help them a lot.

Smart City

Name suggesting that it is innovation in the major sector of the city like water distribution, waste management, environment monitoring, traffic monitoring, security in the city, etc. It will help in reducing noise & traffic jam, reduce pollution, reduce crime, it will make cities safer for everyone.

Pros & Cons of IoT

1. With this device, you can access information & data from any corner of the globe.1. There are chances of network attack because IoT devices interconnected over network.
2. Transferring data over network reduce time & money.2. Due to automation, need of labour reduced.
3. It can reduce human effort by doing repetitive work.3. A single loophole in the entire system can affect productivity & causes many more losses.
4. It can improves work quality & efficiency.4. IoT system having higher cost.

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