Ultimate Guide on Types of Load: Learn Horizontal & Vertical Loads

What is Load?

Load is defined as a force exerted on the surface or body. When anybody is in a rest position, some forces have to apply to move. This amount of force is nothing but a load. The unit of the load is Kilogram, Newton, and more. However, different types of loads act in various directions. Let’s see in detail.  

Types of Loads

Types of Loads

Vertical Loads

  • Dead Load
  • Live Load
  • Snow Load

Horizontal Load

  • Wind Load
  • Earthquake Load

Special Load

  • Erection Load
  • Soil Load
  • Flood Load

Vertical Loads

Vertical loads are the loads that act in a downward direction. 

Dead Load

Dead loads are the stationary & permeant loads. These are the static load’s acts due to their self-weight of structure, material, equipment, and more throughout the life span. 

Steel, concrete, bricks, cement, sand, fittings, wires, and more materials are required while building a house. These all come under the dead load.

After using this material, we cannot replace them frequently. These remain in their position throughout the lifespan & act as a dead load.

Live Load

The name itself says that it is a real-time load that can vary & act suddenly. The frequency of load acting can change with time. 

In-house live load acts due to furniture, people, water, and other equipment that can move from one place to another.

When the house is empty, the Live load is zero, but when a home is full of people, it acts and varies. 

Snow Load

Snow load is the load that acts due to snow in the winter season. It depends on the design of the roof, the surface area, and the material of the roof. If the roof area is large, more snow accumulates on it & acts as more load.

Snow load acts in some geographical locations because snowfall occurs in a few places. Also, the magnitude of snow differs depending on the area.

Horizontal Loads

Wind Load

Wind load is the wind blow acting on the building, exerting some force on its elevation, which is called a wind load. It is the dominant force acting on a tall building. As per the building size, height, & design, it varies. 

Some of the buildings are tall, but the load acting on them is less. Some buildings are short, but the wind load acting on them is high. It is due to their building design. There is variation in the wind load depending on the geographical location.

Wind crates 3 types of forces on the building.

  1. Uplift- Wind creates an uplift force by flowing under the roof. It is the same as an airplane lift.
  2. Shear- High wind causes the buildings to tilt.
  3. Lateral- High load causes pulling & pushing of the building, making a structure slide from the foundation.

So, it is necessary to make a building design suitable for the local wind data & according to geographical conditions.

Earthquake Loads

It is a seismic excitation of land causing inertial forces acting on the building structure. It is a quick loading action that destroys the building. 

Earthquake loading is directly proportional to the mass of the building. The higher the mass, the higher the chance of the building collapsing. 

It is a rear load acting due to uneven natural action inside the earth’s crust. 

Special Loads

Erection Load

Erection load is the load acting on a building due to the rigging & de-rigging of any material, structure, and other material. It is a temporary load act on the building. 

Soil Load

Soil load is a load that acts on the building foundation while making construction. It is necessary to consider the soil loading condition. If the soil of the construction area is not good, it may cause damage to the building. There are many chances of accidents.

Flood Load

It is a load caused by floods. When floods occur, the water creates pressure on the buildings & structures. It is a natural load that happens rarely.

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